Active Kids vouchers are available to collect from all Sainsbury's stores, petrol stations and when ordering online, between now and 20th May 2014.
When you're next in Sainsbury's, don't turn the vouchers down as 5th Chislehurst Scout Group is collecting them in order to get some new equipment.
Here's what to do, next time you're in Sainsbury's:
1. When asked if you're collecting Active Kids vouchers, say "YES!"
2. Then say that you are collecting for 5th Chislehurst Scouts so can you have any that other shoppers haven't claimed.
3. Pop them in an envelope and post them to 5th Chislehurst Scout Group c/o 1A Holbrook Lane, Chislehurst, BR7 6PE or email us at info@chislehurstvillagenews.co.uk and we'll send someone round to pick them up, if you live in the Village News area.
Please get your hands on as many vouchers as you can. Friends, relations, neighbours, anyone!
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