This FREE all-age family friendly music festival will be held in Walden Rec, the top field of the Chislehurst Recreation Ground, and will feature dancing and music from a variety of genres and will be complemented with food, drink and craft stalls.
This festival has been made possible via an Awards for All grant from the Big Lottery Fund as well as local community group, business and personal donations.
Get some friends and family together and come and see how Chislehurst Rocks!
Many of you have helped with Chislehurst Rocks before, but this year we need even more volunteers to make the event even bigger and better.
For the organisers, the day starts at 7am and finishes at 10pm! We need a few extra early birds at 7 to help us direct stall holders on to site. The main work starts from 9am. Jobs vary from putting up gazebos to picking up litter, collecting donations, directing people, checking the loos and running the FOCRG and volunteers’ tents.
Can you help? It’s fun. You don’t have to work all day. Some refreshments are provided and there may even be other free stuff on offer. If we get enough help, we hope to have a volunteers’ tent where you can leave your belongings and relax after your exertions.
Hopefully it won’t be needed for shelter from the rain.
We need to sort out a rota well in advance so we know for certain that everything we want to do can go ahead. Then everyone can have a really good day out.
Shifts will be in 2 hour blocks: 7 -9; 9-11; 11-1; 1-3; 3-5; 5-7; 7-9. Hopefully a few kind people will stay on for the shut down. We’ll also need help with a final litter pick on Sunday morning. We may also need help on days before and after with taking deliveries on site or returning kit.
Please join the team and let me know ASAP which time slot/s and types of jobs you can do, your email and VIP your mobile phone number. If you are under 18, please tell me your age.
RSVP to Barbara@FOCRG.org.uk or 0778 303 6295
Could you pledge £100 a year? That’s less than £2 a week to be part of the fun! Unless you want to remain anonymous, members will get acknowledgement in our Chis Rocks publicity material and website plus an invitation for VIP hospitality at the event.
If you have a business, maybe you would like to display your banner on the stage or barriers or take an advertisement in our programme?
Contact us at info@focrg.org.uk
Many of you have helped with Chislehurst Rocks before, but this year we need even more volunteers to make the event even bigger and better.
For the organisers, the day starts at 7am and finishes at 10pm! We need a few extra early birds at 7 to help us direct stall holders on to site. The main work starts from 9am. Jobs vary from putting up gazebos to picking up litter, collecting donations, directing people, checking the loos and running the FOCRG and volunteers’ tents.
Can you help? It’s fun. You don’t have to work all day. Some refreshments are provided and there may even be other free stuff on offer. If we get enough help, we hope to have a volunteers’ tent where you can leave your belongings and relax after your exertions.
Hopefully it won’t be needed for shelter from the rain.
We need to sort out a rota well in advance so we know for certain that everything we want to do can go ahead. Then everyone can have a really good day out.
Shifts will be in 2 hour blocks: 7 -9; 9-11; 11-1; 1-3; 3-5; 5-7; 7-9. Hopefully a few kind people will stay on for the shut down. We’ll also need help with a final litter pick on Sunday morning. We may also need help on days before and after with taking deliveries on site or returning kit.
Please join the team and let me know ASAP which time slot/s and types of jobs you can do, your email and VIP your mobile phone number. If you are under 18, please tell me your age.
RSVP to Barbara@FOCRG.org.uk or 0778 303 6295
Could you pledge £100 a year? That’s less than £2 a week to be part of the fun! Unless you want to remain anonymous, members will get acknowledgement in our Chis Rocks publicity material and website plus an invitation for VIP hospitality at the event.
If you have a business, maybe you would like to display your banner on the stage or barriers or take an advertisement in our programme?
Contact us at info@focrg.org.uk
Follow us on Facebook ChislehurstRocks! and Twitter
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