We sent Jane down to Sainsbury's to start off our Christmas party bottom drawer, but on her way to the sherry and Baileys she went past the mince pies, or what was left of them. The bottom shelf looked at little bare. Not wanting to miss out she put a pack in her trolley and brought them back to the office, having queued up to speak to "the friendly man on the tills". (And hopefully to pay).
They looked a treat. The picture showed and the wording described not just mince pies but "deep" ones, the front of the pack also reminding us of "Christmas by Sainsbury's" although we think that there are possibly others with a greater claim.
However, what really drew our attention was the Best Before. Not Boxing Day or the middle of January when everyone's run out of money, but 4th November!
So if you see a small group at the Rotary fireworks on 2nd November munching on a box of Christmas mince pies, you'll know not only who they are but why they are!
Rotary firework tickets are available from our online Shop.
Christmas mince pies are available from Sainsbury's - but we suggest you wait until the beginning of December.
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