Ms Chislehurst Village News no less was first to go with an "um" and an "errr" whilst she surveyed the 200+ jars in front of her. "You choose" she said to the assistant. "You look like a lemon sherbet to me" came the reply. "Hmmm, I do like lemon sherbets, I'll have 100 grams please".

As we left the shop, chewing, crunching and munching, the debate started. "I don't think I look like a ginger cream man". "Oh yes you do". "Oh no I don't" etc, etc.
What Mr Humbug doesn't know is that we're all going to sneak back in a couple of weeks' time to see if we still look like the same sweet or whether we've been changed. In the meantime...
Do try: Spinning tops - Smooth and creamy cones topped with hundreds and thousands just to make them that much more adorable.
Avoid: Monster jaw breakers - Described as replacement cricket balls.
Do not go near (unless, presumably, you're Dutch): Dutch Triple Salt Liquorice - They smell worse than dog biscuits and taste even worse. (In our opinion).
You can even buy: Black Jacks.
Mr Humbug can be found at Greenwich Market, London, SE10 9HZ
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