Wednesday 2 October 2013

Which sweet are you?

It was meant to be a harmless trip to Greenwich Market for the hard-worked Chislehurst Village News staff. However the first stop - Mr Humbug - put paid to that. For those who don't know, Mr Humbug is a sweet shop on the corner of the covered market and home to all those loose sweets in jars that are hand-weighed to order, with a few blocks of fudge on the side.

Ms Chislehurst Village News no less was first to go with an "um" and an "errr" whilst she surveyed the 200+ jars in front of her. "You choose" she said to the assistant. "You look like a lemon sherbet to me" came the reply. "Hmmm, I do like lemon sherbets, I'll have 100 grams please".

This then started them all off. "You look like a chocolate banana.....a liquorice satin (they do over 20 types of liquorice!).....a ginger cream..... And so it went on.

As we left the shop, chewing, crunching and munching, the debate started. "I don't think I look like a ginger cream man". "Oh yes you do". "Oh no I don't" etc, etc.

What Mr Humbug doesn't know is that we're all going to sneak back in a couple of weeks' time to see if we still look like the same sweet or whether we've been changed. In the meantime...

Do try: Spinning tops - Smooth and creamy cones topped with hundreds and thousands just to make them that much more adorable. 

Avoid: Monster jaw breakers - Described as replacement cricket balls.

Do not go near (unless, presumably, you're Dutch): Dutch Triple Salt Liquorice - They smell worse than dog biscuits and taste even worse. (In our opinion).

You can even buy: Black Jacks.

Mr Humbug can be found at Greenwich Market, London, SE10 9HZ

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